
Why You Need an Electric Toothbrush

It’s true! We FINALLY have electric toothbrushes available to purchase at our office! Before we get into the models we carry at the office and why we love them, let’s chat about why you need an electric toothbrush in your life.

1.       Reliability

Electric toothbrushes can produce thousands of strokes per minute, where as your manual toothbrush can only work as fast as your hand.  This means more plaque removed from your teeth and a more reliable clean.


2.       Special Features

Don’t lie to us, most of you do NOT brush for a full 2 minutes like we recommend! Lucky for you, most electric toothbrushes have built in timers so you always know you are brushing for the correct time.  Other features may include pressure sensors which are great for those of you who tend to scrub really hard which can lead to gingival recession, different speeds and modes.


3.       Long Term Savings

Electric toothbrushes are an initial financial investment, however long term, they end up saving you.  Electric toothbrushes do not need to be replaced as much as manual ones, only the brush heads need to be replaced.  The brush heads for electric toothbrushes can be used for more time than a manual toothbrush, therefore you are replacing them less often.


4.       Ease of Use for Everyone

Electric toothbrushes do the work for you so they are beneficial for children and teenagers who don’t quite get to their back teeth.  They are perfect for patients who have limited dexterity due to conditions like arthritis, etc and for our “young at heart” patients who have mobility issues.  Have a child in orthodontics? Electric toothbrushes make brushing around brackets, wires, or attachments a piece of cake.


Now that you know why an electric toothbrush is the way to go, let’s chat about the options you have available to purchase at the office!


Oral B 500 – $45 (Available in Black, Mint, Lilac)

Why We Love It:

·         Although marketed as an adult toothbrush, we think this toothbrush is perfect for anyone ages 7 and up - basically anyone with adult teeth.

·         The wider handle with perforations for better grip is great for both kids and any patients with mobility or dexterity difficulty.

·         The round head is great for accessing those hard-to-reach areas.  The size of the head is not too small or big - just right!

·         Signals every 30 seconds to ensure a 2 minute clean every time.

·         It has three different speeds however we recommend only using the first two unless you want toothpaste splattered all over your mirror!

·         Comes with 2 heads with different coloured bands to place on them so siblings can use one brush, no need to purchase two!


Philips Sonicare 4700 - $75 (Available in White, Pink, Blue)

Why We Love It:

·         It’s exclusive! This model is only available at dental practices and the lower model retails for more! We recommend it for patients ages 16 and up.

·         We love the slim, streamlined handle and the longer, slimmer oval brush head especially for those with smaller mouths. 

·         Three different speeds and two different modes ensures it is perfect for anyone with any type of periodontal status.

·         Signals every 30 seconds and when you are using too much pressure.

·         A travel case is included which gives you no excuse when you travel!


Now that you are a pro on electric toothbrushes, come on down and grab yours! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, we are always ready to help you with your oral care.


Happy electric toothbrushing!

The Niverville Heritage Dental Gals


What we did & learnt during COVID-19



During the pandemic I found that even though we couldn't go anywhere, we were able to say "Yes" to those questions of, "Mom can we.....?" because we had more time and more energy. We really enjoyed the slower, unscheduled pace of life.  We read a lot, baked, puzzled, did projects around the home and yard, watched movies, played ball with our dog, swam in our pool, had late nights and slept in. We discovered a lot with home schooling and got a better insight as to how our kids learn and the challenges they face.

We all have a part during the pandemic and need to take care of each other as we all rely on each other somehow.  We need to take care of our earth. Slow down, enjoy the time.

What I am most looking forward to coming back to work at Niverville Heritage Dental Centre is seeing everyone's smiles again! Can’t wait!



March 2020 was definitely a month I will never forget. My experience all began when we got notification that an overnight at the museum school trip was canceled for my daughter who was in grade 4. How traumatic for them, they were looking forward to this day for months!!  From there the spiraling happened; the following week we had to start canceling patients, with a lot of unknowns for the future.  That followed by myself, along with the rest of the girls in the office being laid off… again without knowing when we would be able to return!! One month turned into 2, then 3, and now we are working on the 4th month!!

During these last few months, I had my 2 daughters, grade 4 & 7 at home, learning from online as their teachers would send homework and videos to help continue their education.  I can tell you a few things I learnt about this.  I may need to go back to grade school for math!! LOL… but seriously, they have changed the ways of problem solving!! Even though I may know the answer, it’s the explaining of “How to” that I had difficulties with! So, with that said, we are very thankful for our wonderful teachers!!

Along with spending everyday with my girls while my husband continued to work, we got a lot accomplished around the house! Spring cleaning was in full gear!  The weather was also amazing, so we got a lot done around the yard. This included planting all of our flowers, vegetables, getting our pool ready and my oldest and I even built a new garden!

Myself, and family included have learnt that as much as we love our family time, time apart is just as important. We have learnt to be extra thankful for our health and the time we get to spend with our extended friends and family.  One of the other things I learnt is online shopping is WAY too easy!!! For those “regular” errands, such as grocery shopping, I appreciate curb side pick-up that much more now too! Oh… and snacking; let’s just say my clothes will be more forgiving getting back to work & routine! LOL

Returning back to work was yet again another change to our readjusted schedule, but routine plays a pretty big role. I am thankful to be back in the office, talking to our patients and getting them rescheduled from the months we have fallen behind. Not only that, we are welcoming you all back to a brand new office that you can’t wait for you to see!!!



During this time off during Covid I have made sure that I take care of myself and my family. I worked out almost everyday for my physical and mental health.  I tried new recipes, organized and cleaned my house (as I’m sure lots of you did!) and just tried to relax as much as possible.

I have learned during Covid that you don’t know how everyone feels. Some may be stressed, scared, leery of even speaking to people on a street, and that’s ok. They are free to feel the way they want to. We need to be kind to each other and not judge others.

Lastly, I am looking forward to seeing OUR PATIENTS AGAIN!!! Having good conversations and laughing with people while they sit in our chair is what I have missed....and of course my fantastic co-workers!!  See everyone soon!


2020 was supposed to be our year, but 2020 also had other plans.  If you had told me at the beginning of the year that I would be forced to shut down for fourth months, lay off my amazing team all in the middle of a long-awaited renovation and expansion I would’ve told you that you were crazy.  The beginning of COVID at home was definitely an adjustment.  We were so used to being a busy, always on the go family of 4 and all of a sudden there we were, all of us in our house with nowhere to go.


Making three meals and two snacks a day while entertaining two young kids was A LOT.  But here’s what I realized one day while talking to my husband.  When ever in our entire lives would we have the opportunity to take consecutive months off of work?! Never! So in that moment I decided to relax, ease off, and truly try to enjoy the moments I have been given with my kids and family.

As much as I love my family, gosh did I miss work! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I absolutely adore what I do, who I do it with, and my patients.  I feel so lucky.  No matter what financial stresses may have come out of this the sole fact remains my dream of creating a space that feels like home where people can come and provide exceptional dentistry all while being kind is coming true, and for that I am so grateful.

During this time I’ve seen more empathy, love, and kindness around me.  I hope we all continue to make a concerted effort to keep that going.  In the end, I realized 2020 is still our year.  We grew, we learnt, we evolved. I cannot wait to see all of you again and welcome you in our dream space, it’s been a LONG time coming! Most of all, I can’t wait to laugh with you all again.  See you soon!


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It felt like I had just come back from maternity leave and then we had to shut down. I love my job but like lots of people coming back from mat leave, I had a small interest to stay home with the kids and COVID let me live that life for a little bit. I enjoyed my time with them doing science experiments, lots of baking and playing outside. We got a small trampoline and played lots on there. We went for walks often and I did workouts with my kids. On days I didn’t feel like working out or going for my walk my daughter would say that I had to, haha! It was part of our routine. I should add my husband worked from home through this time and that was also very nice that he could be around and move his schedule if needed to be with the whole family.

Through this time I learnt to slow down and be more present with my kids. I soaked up the time I had with them. I learnt to be more patient and to pick my battles, giving into things that don’t really matter in the long run. I am a home body and enjoyed these past few months with my family but I am looking forward to getting back to work!



During the Covid-19 pandemic I enjoyed sleeping in the mornings, learning to cook new foods, cleaning and organizing my home, and spending time working on self- improvement.

With this time away from work and socializing, I learned the benefit of slowing down a little bit and taking the time to enjoy nature and my own company. Now that we are back at Niverville Heritage Dental, I look forward to maintaining a healthy balance in my schedule and improving my free-time management skills!