
Why You Need an Electric Toothbrush

It’s true! We FINALLY have electric toothbrushes available to purchase at our office! Before we get into the models we carry at the office and why we love them, let’s chat about why you need an electric toothbrush in your life.

1.       Reliability

Electric toothbrushes can produce thousands of strokes per minute, where as your manual toothbrush can only work as fast as your hand.  This means more plaque removed from your teeth and a more reliable clean.


2.       Special Features

Don’t lie to us, most of you do NOT brush for a full 2 minutes like we recommend! Lucky for you, most electric toothbrushes have built in timers so you always know you are brushing for the correct time.  Other features may include pressure sensors which are great for those of you who tend to scrub really hard which can lead to gingival recession, different speeds and modes.


3.       Long Term Savings

Electric toothbrushes are an initial financial investment, however long term, they end up saving you.  Electric toothbrushes do not need to be replaced as much as manual ones, only the brush heads need to be replaced.  The brush heads for electric toothbrushes can be used for more time than a manual toothbrush, therefore you are replacing them less often.


4.       Ease of Use for Everyone

Electric toothbrushes do the work for you so they are beneficial for children and teenagers who don’t quite get to their back teeth.  They are perfect for patients who have limited dexterity due to conditions like arthritis, etc and for our “young at heart” patients who have mobility issues.  Have a child in orthodontics? Electric toothbrushes make brushing around brackets, wires, or attachments a piece of cake.


Now that you know why an electric toothbrush is the way to go, let’s chat about the options you have available to purchase at the office!


Oral B 500 – $45 (Available in Black, Mint, Lilac)

Why We Love It:

·         Although marketed as an adult toothbrush, we think this toothbrush is perfect for anyone ages 7 and up - basically anyone with adult teeth.

·         The wider handle with perforations for better grip is great for both kids and any patients with mobility or dexterity difficulty.

·         The round head is great for accessing those hard-to-reach areas.  The size of the head is not too small or big - just right!

·         Signals every 30 seconds to ensure a 2 minute clean every time.

·         It has three different speeds however we recommend only using the first two unless you want toothpaste splattered all over your mirror!

·         Comes with 2 heads with different coloured bands to place on them so siblings can use one brush, no need to purchase two!


Philips Sonicare 4700 - $75 (Available in White, Pink, Blue)

Why We Love It:

·         It’s exclusive! This model is only available at dental practices and the lower model retails for more! We recommend it for patients ages 16 and up.

·         We love the slim, streamlined handle and the longer, slimmer oval brush head especially for those with smaller mouths. 

·         Three different speeds and two different modes ensures it is perfect for anyone with any type of periodontal status.

·         Signals every 30 seconds and when you are using too much pressure.

·         A travel case is included which gives you no excuse when you travel!


Now that you are a pro on electric toothbrushes, come on down and grab yours! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, we are always ready to help you with your oral care.


Happy electric toothbrushing!

The Niverville Heritage Dental Gals


Dr. Sunayna's Spanish Adventure!

A little glimpse into our 9 weeks in Spain! Video edited by Madie Fraser of Made By Madie.

Hi everyone!

I am back from my 9 week family adventure to Spain and I can honestly say now it feels like I never even went! I jumped right back into the swing of things and I love seeing all of you again. Believe it or not, I really did miss this place when I was gone!

I wanted to tell you about our life changing experience in Spain. We flew into Valencia, a city close to the water which is the third largest city in Spain. We rented a small apartment and lived there for almost 7 weeks! We also visited Barcelona and the gorgeous island of Mallorca! To say we fell in love with Spain is an understatement.

We took Spanish classes as a family three times a week and I gotta say, we got pretty good towards the end! We also put the kids in art classes which they loved. The intent was to really immerse ourselves in a new country, language, and culture. We wanted to truly feel like we were living there and that’s exactly how it felt.

Every morning we would walk to the market and get fresh croissants, pastries and our produce for the day. We would walk to our local park, sit at a café and enjoy a glass of wine in the evening while our kids would play soccer with other kids they had just met on the street. It was pretty much a dream.

By the end of our 9 weeks we would be running into neighbors on the street and chatting, the owners of our favourite restaurants and cafés would smile and wave, and our favourite ice cream shop owners from Italy would see my kids playing and come out and hand them an ice cream cone on the house. It was just so lovely and the people were beyond kind.

Life there runs at a different pace. People work hard but what really got me is how everyone seems to truly and genuinely enjoy life there. I never saw anyone on their phone or even have their phone out at a restaurant or café once. Not one single time!

If there’s anything I learnt is how different the world can be, but how similar we all are at the end of the day. I hope to have taken with me their love for life and the ability to really be in the moment. It’s a lot harder than you would think!

I could not have had this experience without the girls here who held down the fort while I was gone and to all of you, my patients for being so supportive. Your well wishes, gifts, and messages were so incredibly encouraging.

As we gear up for the end of yet another Summer and the beginning of another school year, I hope you will take the time to enjoy the little things in life.

See you at the office!

Dr. Sunayna

A letter to you.

I truly love what I do. Yes, I really do laugh like this ALL the time at work.

I truly love what I do. Yes, I really do laugh like this ALL the time at work.

I struggled a lot about whether to write this or not. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m sweating as we speak (how’s that for a lovely image for you). Here’s why I decided to try to put into words what I’m feeling right now. I think, or at least hope, the reason you come to our office is not only the quality of work we do, but more importantly, because of how we make you feel.  What you see is what you get.  We are REAL. Real women who love what they do and are having a blast while doing it. This is why this crazy situation we are all in has been so difficult - mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. 

I am one of those lucky few who truly loves what they do. Loves teeth? What a weirdo. Yup, this weirdo loves teeth.  But what I also love and feed off of is the human connection. I love chatting (I think all of you can agree with that one), laughing extremely loudly (shocker), and just being with my patients. Not being able to come to work is devastating. Not being able to help my patients by offering them to come in so I can take them out of pain leaves me feeling completely helpless.  Basically not being able to do what I love feels like a piece of me is missing.

The best team a girl could ever wish for.

The best team a girl could ever wish for.

Then there’s the girls. In the dental field, there tends to a pretty regular turnover of team members.  Not mine.  I hit the absolute dental jackpot when it comes to my team of gals (knocking on wood as we speak).  Having to lay them off for the time being, knowing the stress that puts on them, and not being able to see them has literally kept me up at night.  I feed off of them and when that’s missing, things just don’t seem whole.

Now a bit more about what’s going with me. Holy smokes how do stay at home moms do it?! Being at home with both kids all day, homeschooling, meals, snacks, trying to get some work done, I can’t even! (Shout out to my super sweet patient who waited as my kids barged into my room and began singing at the top of their lungs while I was on the phone with her trying to figure out what happened to her tooth). Anyone feel like they are more exhausted now than before this whole thing happened?! I literally thought I would have time to do the things I never had time for before like organizing the closets, cleaning out the basement, reading that book I never started.  Nope! How is it that I am forced not to work and be at home but still don’t have time?! 

My family. Love these humans, but boy being with them 24 hours a day really does test your love!

My family. Love these humans, but boy being with them 24 hours a day really does test your love!

Now to the part that is seen as a definite faux pas that no one really talks about - the financial stress.  Let’s be real, no one is going to feel sorry for a dentist.  Am I extremely lucky to be well compensated to do something that I love? Absoutely, without a shadow of a doubt.  Are there well established dentists out there who have been practicing and owned their practice for decades, with savings who this situation will be easier for? Yup.  Am I one of those dentists? Nope. I wish, I would love a new bag, hahahahaha. Just kidding.  Sort of.

The hard truth is I’m still a young practicing dentist who is a new business owner.  I have dental school debt, a business loan for buying into this practice that I love with all my soul, and then to top it all off, a renovation that is still continuing on with no revenue coming in for the foreseeable future. I have zero income that my family relies on and due to the nature of my work when we do go back, we are one of the highest risk as we work in the mouth.  

Now, please know this is not meant to be a “Feel sorry for Sunayna and let’s throw her a pity party” post, but if you want to, I’m happy to join the party you throw for me virtually! I like Beyonce FYI.  But seriously here’s what I know after a lot of soul searching:

Miss you all everyday. I can’t wait to see your smiles again soon.

Miss you all everyday. I can’t wait to see your smiles again soon.

EVERYONE is struggling, not just me.  EVERYONE is hurting.  EVERYONE is trying their best to navigate this.

GRATITUDE.  Despite what I may be going through right now, I know others have it worse.  I have gratitude for the time my family has together - bedtimes that I miss sometimes due to work, meals together, and all the playing.  I have gratitude for the shelter I have, food we eat, and the ability and option to stay home while others risk their lives for us.

JOY. I refuse to let this bring me down.  From the moment I walked into Niverville Heritage Dental Centre I just knew I was meant to be here.  I work so dang hard.  The girls work so hard.  So we are going to continue with the renovation. I will not let it be a source of stress when it was always meant to be a source of excitement, pride, and pure joy.  Whenever we open, I promise you it will be a space that the girls and I deserve to work in and a space that you deserve to be treated in.  In the end, I choose JOY.

If you read this far, gosh, I owe you a complimentary exam when we open.  Just joking, I’m broke remember? Hahaha.  But seriously thank you.  Know that I dream every night of coming back and seeing all of you again.  I honestly can’t wait.  Stay safe.  Miss you.

Much love,


Heart Health & Oral Health - What's the Connection?

We are laughing into 2020!

We are laughing into 2020!

People use the beginning of a new year as a time to press the restart button.  Although we gals think any day is a great day to set new goals and intentions, we are all for New Year resolutions in which you make it a priority to take care of yourself!

At the center of our overall health is our heart.  Did you know that for years researchers have been trying to solve the link between gum disease and heart disease? Let us break it down for you:

Gum disease is inflammation of the gums and the surrounding bone which houses your teeth due to bacteria.  Similarly, heart disease is the inflammation of the heart’s arteries.  In some studies, people with heart disease have been found with traces of oral bacteria in their arteries, leading researchers to believe the bacteria from your mouth can travel through your body to your heart vessels causing an increased risk for cardiac episodes such as heart attacks and strokes.  Findings such as these strengthen the relationship between gum disease and heart disease.

Here’s the conclusion:  Many studies have linked gum disease to heart disease, however further research is needed to confirm if gum disease can actually CAUSE heart disease.  From the way the research is heading, it seems likely.

Your heart is at the centre of it all, but taking care of your teeth means taking care of your heart.Image via Pinterest.

Your heart is at the centre of it all, but taking care of your teeth means taking care of your heart.

Image via Pinterest.

What does that mean for you? Daily brushing and flossing along with regular hygiene appointments at your dentist can prevent and even reverse early stages of gum disease! Now if only you knew a fantastic dental office with amazing ladies that you could come to in order to have your teeth cleaned and help you control your gum disease… Oh wait! You do, us! Let us gals at Niverville Heritage Dental educate you about gum disease, help you combat it and show you the proper way of brushing and flossing.  We know now that oral health is somehow connected to overall health, so take care of your heart, teeth, and everything in between.  Click here to book an appointment.


Being a Mama - Mother's Day

As Mother’s Day approaches and since we are an all female team compromised mostly of Mamas, we decided to give you our take on motherhood, both the good and the challenges! Basically we are trying to keep it real! We hope that all you Mamas out there can relate to our experiences because as we know, when Mamas support Mamas amazing things happen. Happy Mother’s Day!

Kaitlin with Natasha and Baby Max!

Kaitlin with Natasha and Baby Max!


Hi everyone! As of March 13th we added a new little one to our family, Natasha got a baby brother named Max! I am now back in the newborn stage and I must say it is much easier the second time around for me (not for everyone I know) but there are still many struggles. I didn’t really remember how waking up multiple times during the night for feedings can affect me, I need my sleep! I go to bed around 8pm or whenever he falls asleep so I can function knowing I’ll be up a few times at night. I am also always worried about stuff like is he getting enough food, sleeping enough, sleeping too long in between feedings, should I wake him or let him sleep, etc. The worrying never ends!

Natasha is in love with her baby brother and likes to help where she can. This is definitely one of the highs about being a parent, seeing Natasha love on her little brother! It also melts my heart when she tells me “You’re beautiful” in her adorable 2 year old voice randomly, or after I’ve combed my hair (yes I rock the mom bun ALL THE TIME!), and all I’m thinking is I’m 1 month postpartum looking 6 months pregnant still and nothing in my closet fits!

Being a mom is a lot of work, and you are on 24/7.  Even when you go away you are still thinking of them. It is hard work but it is such rewarding work. I wasn’t a girl who dreamt of being a mom growing up, but I am so happy that I was able to become a mom to our two littles. I will take the waking up multiple times during the night, the throwing up (which always happens in the middle of the night, in bed) and the tantrums, for the random “you’re beautiful”, the hugs and kisses, and seeing the joy in their faces and the laughter they bring.


Being a mother and all it entails is almost impossible to describe, but let’s start with what people don’t tell you!  No one tells you that labour is not like the movies where a gush of water comes out and out pops a baby, no problem!  No one tells you that you will leave the hospital essentially wearing a diaper.  No one tells you that you will NOT look like Kate Middleton in a perfect outfit with perfect hair and in heels leaving the hospital (I totally thought I would).  In fact, I could barely walk out of the hospital the first time around.  Finally, no one tells you how overwhelmed you may feel staring at this baby, not really sure how you’re going to keep this human (and yourself) alive.

Dr. Sunayna with Niam and Samaya!

Dr. Sunayna with Niam and Samaya!

But no one can also explain to you the feeling you get when your child(ren) smile at you for the first time.  No one can explain the joy you feel when they say “Mama” for the first time (especially if it’s their first word, haha).  No one can explain how you just know what every coo, groan, or cry means.  No one can explain the secret elation you feel when they come into your bed in the middle of the night and you pretend to be upset but you’re not because you know one day it will stop.  No one can explain how you can feel like you’re going to lose your mind one second because your toddler is having a meltdown over the way you spread his peanut butter, but then the pure love you feel the next second when they tell you they love you. Finally, no one can explain the strength that you just naturally possess the second you become a mother. 

I’ve only been a mother of two children who are the loves of my life for five years now but here’s what I’ve realized.  Whether you are a working mom, a stay at home mom, or a mom whose kids are all grown up, GUILT and BALANCE are always a constant struggle.  I want all of us moms or mother like figures out there to know that it’s okay to take care of ourselves too.  Taking care of ourselves only makes us more available and better to be able to mother our kids.  So my hope is that this Mother’s Day you get a chance to either get your nails done, grab a coffee, sleep in, or just be alone with your thoughts for a bit.  Now I’m going to try to take my own advice! Happy Mother’s Day!

Nikki with her girls Tierzah, Daisy, and Nyah!

Nikki with her girls Tierzah, Daisy, and Nyah!


For those of you who don’t know, my husband and I have 3 teenage daughters ages 16, and 15 year old twins. Yup twins! Daisy, our daughter, was 19 months when the twins were born. We were overjoyed, excited and super scared!

It has been quite the roller coaster ride though out. The first couple of years were the toughest. I’m the type of person that makes sure everything is perfect. Our girls would arrive to church (because that’s the only day we really got out of the house!) all dressed well, hair done, looking all cute, and I would look all put together as well. But inside I was stressed out and grumpy because it was so much work!

There definitely were more good days than hard days! Nothing like seeing your kids after a day at work and them being so excited to see you and wrapping their little arms around you! Though I don’t get that response anymore, our girls still give us hugs and exchange “I love you’s” always! Motherhood is the most challenging yet rewarding time! Enjoy your time with your kids this Mother’s Day!

Amanda with her kids Ethan and Hayley!

Amanda with her kids Ethan and Hayley!


My high of being a mom is very simple, watching my kids succeed.  My biggest challenge is seeing my kids struggle.  But by far, the greatest high is seeing them succeed over their struggles.

One of my favourite quotes is, "One of the greatest gifts a parent can give their child is their presence." I find in today's society there are so many distractions around us that I have to be conscientious on what's really important and that is the giving of your own time.  I try to remind myself to cherish the little things, and also to not sweat the small stuff.  I also remind myself to keep my head up as there is so much joy in the exchange of a smile. Happy Mother’s Day!


 Mom/Mommy/Mother/Mama [Noun, verb]

1.       A person who does the work of many for free.

See also; chef, taxi, cheerleader, teacher, nurse, multi-tasker, crazy, saint

No matter what your child(ren) call you, I am sure you can relate to the above!! Me too!! I am usually known as Mommy or Mom, and absolutely love it! I dreamt about being a mom since I was just a little girl playing with my dolls, and as I grew old enough to babysit, I spent most of my weekends doing so. I have always loved children!

Rachele with her daughters Jaidyn and Brynlee!

Rachele with her daughters Jaidyn and Brynlee!

I think we can all agree that being a mom is one of the most rewarding, yet challenging jobs around. Some may disagree, but when my girls were younger, those were the easy days for me. Yes, they couldn’t always communicate what was wrong or what they needed, but life seemed simpler for me. They were likely some of the most easygoing babies/toddlers I have seen. It felt so rewarding to see what I made, what was a part of me and how they grew up throughout the years. How can a Mom not be proud?!

As they grow older, have their own opinions and are self-minded, this is where I find motherhood challenging! Bodies start to change, emotions and hormones play more and more into their everyday lives. I find the challenges can be teaching them both how to be strong during difficult times yet letting them figure out how to get out of it themselves. Also, teaching them that there will be plenty of challenges as they grow up, life isn’t all unicorns and rainbows is another aspect of motherhood I find challenging. As the years go by, I realize that tough love is such a thing! We are just entering pre-teen years for my oldest, and I am beginning to believe that payback definitely is such a thing! (Sorry Mom!). But all said and done, I would not change a single thing. My girls make me so proud each and every day! It’s amazing how they can brighten my day! Happy Mother’s Day!

The Three C's - Cavities, Calcium, and Cheese

Photo by Bothwell Cheese

Photo by Bothwell Cheese

Let’s talk about some C words – cavities, calcium, and cheese.  Calcium is the main component of our teeth, which is why getting a proper amount of calcium is so important to keep our teeth healthy and strong.  How do we do this? By eating calcium rich foods, of course!

Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, and low fat yogurt are great sources of calcium (there are also non-dairy foods that are calcium rich as well) and contribute to our overall dental health.  However, did you know that studies have shown that cheese (yes, delicious cheese) can help reduce cavities? Cue rejoicing everywhere!

Photo by Bothwell Cheese

Photo by Bothwell Cheese

Cavities are one of the most prevalent infectious diseases present.  In fact, cavities among children is the most chronic childhood disease! Remember, cavities are 100% preventable! Cavities are formed when foods with carbohydrates are broken down into acids by the bacteria in dental plaque that are present on your teeth.  Although cavities are caused by multiple factors that work together, we know that diet and nutrition are important for prevention.

Cheese can help prevent cavities in a few ways.  It has been shown that chewing cheddar cheese after eating a sugary food makes the dental plaque less acidic within two minutes of consumption.  Other cheeses that have been shown to help in decreasing the acidity in plaque are Gouda, Blue Cheese, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella, and Swiss.  Cheese can also increase your saliva flow, therefore helping wash away acids on your teeth.  Finally, aged cheese (one of our favourites), is recognized as having cavity fighting characteristics when either eaten alone or at the end of a meal or snack!

Now that we know the hero powers of cheese, we teamed up with our favourite cheese company, Bothwell Cheese! Why do we love Bothwell so much? Well, they are local and we are all about supporting local.  Their cheese is made in New Bothwell, which is the next town over from us here in Niverville.  Also, Bothwell Cheese is made with 100% Canadian Milk and all natural ingredients! There are so many options from Red Wine Extra Old Cheddar, to Jalapeno Monterey Jack, to Maple Smoked Extra Old Cheddar, there’s something for everyone!

Need an idea for your next family meal that’s healthy and loaded with cheese? We recommend Veggie-Filled Mac N’ Cheese by our favourite registered dietician, Nita Sharda of Carrots and Cake Balanced Nutrition Counselling.


Need some delicious Bothwell Cheese in your life? We are doing an epic GIVEAWAY! All you have to do is comment below with your favourite Bothwell cheese product and you will be entered to win a gift basket full of Bothwell Cheese products as shown here! We will be announcing the winner on Monday, April 8th on our social media accounts, so make sure you are following us on Instagram and Facebook!

So the next time you have a craving, reach for a piece of cheese! It’s delicious, satisfying, and good for your teeth.  It doesn’t get much better than that!


***Contest closes April 5th at midnight.  Winner will be announced on Monday, April 8th on our Instagram and Facebook accounts. This contest is in no way affiliated with Instagram or Facebook. Open to residents of Manitoba, Canada only.

Source: Kashket, S., & DePaola, D. P. (2002). Cheese Consumption and the Development and Progression of Dental Caries. Nutr Rev, 60(4), 97 - 103.


As we embark on a new year, we think it is important to take the time to reflect on the things we are grateful for, both personally and professionally. We hope you enjoy reading a bit of what each one of our team members are grateful for!

Nikki & Amanda - Our dental assistants

Nikki & Amanda - Our dental assistants


Professionally, I am grateful to be working in my hometown which allows me to meet new people and reconnect with others. I’m also grateful to be able to work at an office where the entire team are incredible, genuine, smart, and compassionate women who are always looking out for our patients and one another!

 Personally, I am grateful for my husband! We celebrated 20 years of marriage this past year and I am a much better person because of him! I am grateful for my health and turning 40 this past year! So many milestones, but so blessed!

 I am looking forward to spending time with friends, family, and making memories! Life is too short, enjoy the times you have with one another!


 I am grateful for being able to live and work in such a beautiful community. I love seeing everyone's smiles whether it be at the dental office or while out and about in town!! I am also grateful to my family, my husband and both of my kids who keep me busy, but make my life what it is today.  Thank you Niverville for making my family and I feel so at home here over the years!

Kaitlin & Lindsay - Our dental hygienists

Kaitlin & Lindsay - Our dental hygienists


This past year I am very grateful for my family and the time we have spent living in St. Norbert. It has been an amazing adventure renovating our current home that looks like it was from the 80's, as well as starting to build our "forever" home in Rosenort. I have enjoyed living close to family and watching my daughter have an incredible bond with her little cousin. I am grateful for all my co-workers and how supportive everyone is. It is truly a great place to work and I have found my home here amongst friends.

This coming year I am looking forward to moving into our new house and turning it into our dream home. I am also looking forward to our new baby that is coming in March and being on maternity leave to be able to enjoy the new baby stage, cuddle and love him/her and to see how our daughter will love being a big sister to her baby brother or sister. (Yep, we aren't finding out what we are having)!


I have many reasons to be grateful, especially this past year as I’ve encountered new blessings. Professionally, I am thankful for the fun and dedicated people I get to work with at the office. They welcome and encourage growth and improvement like no other team I’ve worked with in the past.

In my personal life, I am grateful for my family and friends. This past year I have made it my goal to spend more time with them and appreciate who they are. The last couple years I had been living in Brandon, MB and I lost touch with too many people and am so thankful for their support and to have them back in my life regularly.  I look forward to spending more time with people I care about, taking educational courses relevant to my line of work and starting the hunt for buying my first home!

Rachele & Ainsley - Our administrative team

Rachele & Ainsley - Our administrative team


I am grateful for the relationships I have built with not only the wonderful girls I work with, but for the patients who make our office possible. We have had the best year so far at Niverville Heritage Dental Centre, and it is only going to get better! Tying work and personal life together, I am so very thankful to work as close to home as I do.

 On the personal side of things what can I say, I am very thankful for my two wonderful daughters, my husband and the health and relationships of my family and friends.  All the Best to you and yours in 2019!


 I am personally grateful for the health of my family and being able to witness the personal accomplishments my children have made over the past year.  Professionally I feel grateful to be able to witness everything we are wanting to accomplish here at the office.  It is so wonderful to see all of us working so hard to achieve a common goal and all the new ideas we are aspiring to together.


Sunayna - Our dentist

Sunayna - Our dentist


I feel it is so easy to lose sight of everything you have to be grateful for.  I tend to get caught up with the daily routine, but when I take a moment to reflect, I realize how lucky I really am.  I am eternally grateful to my parents who constantly put my needs ahead of theirs, even when this is their time to relax! They have always been my largest supporters and I don’t know what I would do without them.  My husband and kids give me the motivation I need to keep dreaming and to keep achieving my goals, both personally and professionally.  My best friends keep me sane when I feel like I’m going to lose my mind, and for that I will always be grateful to them.

 Professionally, I feel so blessed.  I have the best group of ladies around me who come into work everyday giving it their absolute all.  They reach for the stars with me, and I know we will accomplish every single dream we dream because of who they are as individuals and what we are as a team.  I am eternally grateful to the community of Niverville who have welcomed me with open arms.  It may sound unbelievable, but I have not once woken up dreading to come to work since I started working here.  I love what I do, I love where I work, I love the people I work with, and I love the people who trust us to work on them.  It doesn’t get much better than that.

Photos by: Simply Rosie Photography

Use It or Lose It - Getting the Most Of Your Dental Benefits

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Hi! This is Ainsley, and I'm the office manager here at Niverville Heritage Dental Centre.  I'm going to be talking to you about your dental insurance and how you can get the most of your dental insurance plan, especially since the end of the year is drawing near!

Hi! I’m Ainsley, our office manager!

Hi! I’m Ainsley, our office manager!

Dental insurance is often renewed on a yearly basis, understanding your plan is the first step to making the most out of the benefits you could be receiving. 

Dental insurance, simply put, can take some or all of the cost associated with most dental treatments off of the patient and into the hands of the Insurance provider.  You pay a monthly premium to have these benefits at your disposal, why not make the most of them?!

The best way to ensure you are getting the most from your benefits is to schedule and keep your routine recare appointments (i.e. dental cleanings and exam).  During these appointments a full hygiene cleaning is done, as well as a thorough check up by your dentist. Having routine check ups with your dentist allows us to find any problems while they are small and address them right away before they have a chance to turn into larger problems.  With most insurance companies, routine maintenance and cavity treatments are often covered at a higher percentage compared to major dental work such as crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.  Most of the time, major work is needed when a small problem wasn’t dealt with and left to grow, so catching problems early on is key to making the most of your benefits!

You’ve all heard the saying “Use it or lose it.”  Well, the same applies for your benefits!  Each year every family member covered on any dental insurance plan has their very own limit to use and if you don’t use it, it is not carried over to the next year. Taking this into consideration when planning any routine or more extensive treatment needing done will help you use the benefits you are entitled to each year and ensuring you have the maximum funds allotted for the following year should you need them. 

We know dental insurance policies can be confusing, we can help with that!  If you are unsure what your plan entails we can help set you on the right track to deciphering it.  We can let you know who to call and even what to ask in order to help you better understand your coverage.  Once we are provided with the details of your personal plan we can even help track your coverage to make sure you stay within the limits and are aware of what portion you would need to pay if any for any treatment or preventative maintenance you may need.

The time of year when insurance benefits are resetting is drawing near!  Most dental insurance plans go by calendar year, which means your plan likely expires on December 31st, and renews for the new year on January 1st. This means if you have any pending treatment to do, make the most of your benefits and use it up before you lose that money by December 31st. Remember, this is the busiest time of year for us as everyone is trying to get in to make the most of their benefits! Don’t get left out! Book now to save your spot! Remember, help us help you make the most of the dental benefits you are entitled to! 

Mouth Guard Mania!


September is Mouth Guard Month!

Calling all parents! It’s that time of year again, it’s Hockey and Ringette season! That means it’s time for our annual Mouth Guard Month! Lace up those skates, grab that stick, and most importantly, make sure your kids have a custom fitted mouth guard from us! We think kids being active and playing sports is a great thing, so much so, that we are a proud sponsor of some of our awesome local teams such as the Clippers.  However, did you know dental injuries to the face are the most common type of injury when playing sports? For this reason, dentists (and most sports regulatory boards) either recommend or mandate the use of mouth guards.

Custom fitted mouth guards are especially made to fit your mouth by your dentist. They are superior to other mouth guards for several reasons:

a.    A custom fitted mouth guard will significantly reduce injuries to the head and neck by protecting your jaw joint.  It also aids in preventing concussions as it acts as a cushion for your lower jaw, and decreases the chances of breaking your front teeth by almost 90%!

b.    A custom fitted mouth guard also protects the soft tissues such as your lips, cheeks, tongue and gums from injury and lacerations.

c.    A custom fitted mouth guard does not impair your breathing or speech. It is made for your mouth, therefore there is no need to clench down on it in order to hold it in place.

Even children with braces should wear a mouth guard.  It will protect the child from being injured from the brackets and wires should an impact occur.  Additionally, children with both baby and adult teeth should have a new guard made as needed as the mouth changes with every tooth that is lost, and with every tooth that erupts.

For the month of September, all young athletes ages 7-17 can have a custom fitted mouth guard made by us for only $50 (regularly priced $200)! Please call 204-988-3634 to book your child’s appointment as spots do fill quickly. See you at the office and on the ice!


Welcome Home.


Hi there! I'm Dr. Sunayna, but please just call me Sunayna. Welcome to the first ever blog post for Niverville Heritage Dental Centre! 

Now you may be thinking, "Why on Earth is this post called Welcome Home?" Most people don't exactly think of home when they think of visiting the dentist, but that's exactly how we want it to feel when you come - inviting, familiar, and comfortable.

We are the office who takes the time to chat with you because we actually want to know what's happening in your life.  We are the office that you can hear laughter coming from when you enter.  We are the office that you will want come back to! Sounds crazy, I know, but I promise, it's true.

I want this space to be a place where you learn about all things teeth that matter to you cause yes, believe it or not, we love teeth! We care about your overall oral health, because we care about you. However, there's only so much teeth related information you can take in, I get that.  So that's why this space will also be about life.  We will chat about things happening in the community, share some of our favourite recipes, showcase some of our incredible patients, and so much more.  So please, sit back, relax, and have a good read. We are so happy to have you.  Oh, and one more thing, welcome home.